

Rhythm Guitar, Lead Guitar.


We are an original heavy metal band with heaps of songs written and recorded . You can check us out on all streaming services, and contact me to hear some new stuff not released. Currently we are looking for a new singer who can bring their own style to what we already have. Male or female, it doesn't bother us. Our previous singer sang clean vocals but we are open to someone who can scream as well. We have played plenty of shows and shared the stage with so many cool bands. We have a few cool gigs booked in for the end of the year and if we don't find a singer our guitarist will have sing. So we are hoping that doesn't happen, haha. We jam once a fortnight, (so its not a massive comittment) and do gigs that suit us. We all work fulltime so it is just a hobby at this stage and lots of fun.
JIm 0412341801

Screen name:
Member since:
Jun 23 2017
Active within 2 weeks
Level of commitment:
Very Committed
Years together:
Gigs played:
50 to 100
Tend to practice:
1 time per week
48 years


Most metal from Iron maiden to Trivium. We do love a good riff and big choruses.

Members Of Band

Chris hanrahan _ drums
James bogers_ guitar ,backing vocals
Dave prodanovic - bass ,backing vocals
Dominic Davey - guitar, backing vocals


We have an awesome band room with full pa etc. Just plug and play.