Drums, Other Percussion.ABOUT
We're Stephen (lead vocals, keys, and rhythm guitar), Erin (violinist, synth, and vocals), Leong (lead guitar and vocals), and we're seeking a rhythm section (could be cello / electric bass + percussionist / drummer) to complete our line-up!
"Official" bio below:
DUEL NATIVE is led by Stephen Choi – an artist passionate about music, architecture, and environmental science. His award-winning work spanning these three worlds has been shared on stage with acts such as The Libertines, been presented in live-theatre format, written about in global academia, enjoyed through mainstream-radio play, and covered in The Guardian and on MTV Europe.
As a live and recording band, DUEL NATIVE is both an alias and an ensemble, privileged to make music on unceded lands in so-called Australia.
Label representation.
Please get in touch by sending a DM on socials!
See duelnative dot music to get a quick overview of everything in one place, or check DUEL NATIVE out on pretty much any of the platforms.
- Screen name:
- duel-native
- Member since:
- Jan 05 2023
- Active within 2 weeks
- Level of commitment:
- Very Committed
- Years together:
- 4
- Gigs played:
- 10 to 50
- Tend to practice:
- 1 time per week
- Age:
- 20 years
Apparently we sound like...
Angus & Julia Stone, Athlete, Badly Drawn Boy, Belle & Sebastian, Ben Folds, Boy and Bear, Damien Rice, Death Cab for Cutie, Dustin Tebbutt, Ed Sheeran, Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros, Elliott Smith, Of Monsters and Men, REM, Richard Ashcroft, Simon & Garfunkel, The Shins, The xx, Vance Joy
Members Of Band
Sacrosanct (Video)
Sacrosanct (Video)_nSfRoX-JEY
Commodity (Video)
Commodity (Video)n2hv01RZuUc
Dragging Branches (Video)
Dragging Branches (Video)PtcfQiCmSXc