

Band to Join, Acoustic Guitar, Background Singer, Bass Guitar, DJ, Electronic Music, Keyboard, Lead Guitar, Piano, Rhythm Guitar, Trumpet, Vocalist.


Hey Im Alex and i'm looking for a Bass player and Lead Guitarist from the Dromana area to set up a covers band playing pop, rock, funk tracks.

Currently there's two of us, myself on Drums and someone on Guitarist/Vocals. Both of us have played in lots of bands over the years, both mid 40s with young families and from the Dromana area.

We're looking for like minded musicians, who aren't looking to take over the world, but who would be interested in making some noise in the studio and potentially playing some gigs to get some beer money. We currently practice on Wednesday nights in Dromana. A couple of song examples we're playing atm would be Kings of Leon, Green Day and White Stripes.

If you're interested or know of anyone that might be please drop me an email eyebonkATg_m_a_i_lDOTcom (AT = ampersat symbol, remove the underscores, DOT = .)

Screen name:
Member since:
Oct 20 2020
Active over 1 month ago
Level of commitment:
Moderately Committed
Years playing music:
Gigs played:
Over 100
Tend to practice:
2-3 times per week
Most available:


Check out my Spotify playlist which will give you an idea of the kinds of things I listen to - https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4bhV4qjUBmz2r9aaTDcJ65?si=d3780dd4418d4511

Instrument experience:
