

Band to Join, Accordion, Acoustic Guitar, Background Singer, Bagpipes, Banjo, Bass Guitar, Cello, Clarinet, Didgeridoo, DJ, Dobro, Drums, Electronic Music, Fiddle, Flute, Harmonica, Harp, Keyboard, Lead Guitar, Mandolin, Other, Other Percussion, Piano, Rhythm Guitar, Saxophone, Steel guitar, Trombone, Trumpet, Ukulele, Upright bass, Violin, Vocalist, Vocalist - Alto, Vocalist - Baritone, Vocalist - Bass, Vocalist - Soprano, Vocalist - Tenor.


I’ve been playing guitar on and off for the last 30 odd years. I’m mostly interested in my own compositions these days and would say that I keep things pretty simple. That may be interpreted as code for a 'simple player', but if I’d review my technical ability I'd put myself in the intermediate to slightly advanced range. Depends on who I’m comparing too. I’m a terrible expert but an amazing average. I would say that I was initially drawn to an acoustic sound mostly, however, since I bought my Les Paul a year or so ago, I feel brand new. I’ve been completely invigorated, energized and inspired to play more than ever, which I have been doing. I would like to improvise with other musicians with the hope to support a lead singer who would be open to giving more life to the tunes I've written as well as their own.
I like a wide range of sounds and feel that a good melody is the key to a good tune.
My voice is spectacularly ordinary, you can vouch for me with that if you have a listen to the few songs that I've uploaded. I'm best suited to not singing at all but can get away with some backing vocals for certain types of rock tunes. - if you turn the volume to low on my vocal amp. The songs I've attached don't reflect all of my tastes in music but I'm absolutely certain this is not the best way to sell myself as a musician. These were flimsy recordings, using video mode with my phone. I'm not sure how many songs I've written but's it's definitely in the double figures now
I'm super keen to get something together with the main aim of playing to have fun. I’m especially drawn to the comradely connection through music. That said, if I could ask for anything, a wish, I would like to record a bunch of original tunes. And ideally tour them. Pipe dreams feel better than no dreams at all. I have a strong desire to do this, I’m well aware of my personal insecurities and, despite my ordinary vocal's, I'm enthusiastically motivated to making this happen. I love supporting other people’s creative endeavours too.

Screen name:
Member since:
Sep 19 2024
Active within 24 hours
Level of commitment:
Years playing music:
Gigs played:
Under 10
Tend to practice:
More than 3 times per week


90’s, 60’s and 70’s eras.
If I were to do covers, I’d like a set list like the below or a mix of them. I’m missing out a lot of other great tunes but this is subsection of my tastes in music.

Set List 1

Fall to pieces - velvet revolver
Slow Jam - new order
Feel like making love - Bad Company
Dropping Bombs - BJM
BIG Indian - dandy Warhol
Only women bleed - Alice Cooper
That’s the way - Led Zeppelin
She sells sanctuary- The Cult
Scorpio rising - death in Vegas
Space and Tine - the verve

Set List 2

Dirty leaves on the ground - Jack White
Because I love you - Masters Apprentices
Isis - Bob Dylan
Fearless - Pink Floyd
Sounds of Sounds - Gomez
Something Borrowed - Ben Lee
Silver - DMA’s
I feel so cold - Underground Lovers
Whoever you are - Brian Jones Town Massacre

Set List 3

Silver - Rolling Stones
Hard Sun - Eddie Vedder
If you want (my love) - cheap trick. [Caveat: impossible to sing, put this one down as a wish list].
Loving cup Rolling Stones
Sweet nothing - Black crowed
Your time is going to come - led Zeplin
Roll it over - Oasis
So we know - DMA’s
Hard Rain - Bob Dylan

Instrument experience:

Acoustic Guitar:
Other Percussion:


Takamine acoustic with pick up
Taylor nylon string classical with narrow neck and pick up.
Les Paul Classic