

Vocalist, Rhythm Guitar, Bass Guitar, Drums.


Netherlife is a Melodic Death Metal band from Ballarat, Australia...

Netherlife formed in early 2009 with guitarist/songwriter/Composer Ian and songwriter/vocalist/guitarist Justin working on five demo songs written in 2007-08...

One of the demo songs Beyond the Grave, featured in a small TV ad in late 2009.

The songs uploaded where recorded during the spring of 09 with guitarist Ian &
Kel on Bass with Myself (Justin) singing live while we recorded to a midi drum
track. Beyond the Grave, Deep Beneath the Ground and Fire in the Sky where all
recorded in one day and mixed down the next day for revision, while Aftermath,
Imprisoned in Flames and The Assassin where recorded on a separate day and also
mixed down for revision.

Awhile after the recording (During the summer, I think)I went back over
the mixdowns and decided to re mix all the tracks stored on the computers
hard-drive & found that the file where corrupt or somehow gone all together
which then at the moment the harddrive crashed and was useless and the file
where left unrecoverable.

During 2010 things looked good for a while as we had nearly filled the bands
lineup with a new bassist and singer, looking for a drummer and ready to record
the demo's from 09. Later in the year without any success finding a drummer,
the Bassist and singer had other commitments and left the band.

the following month Netherlife where asked to provide music for a TV
commercial and upcoming mini series and signed a contract for the 5 songs
from the E.P which was to re record at the end of that year..
to be used and promoted with the movie....
The producer used Beyond the Grave for the TV ad and never got the funding
together to make the mini-series which was a shame

Now looking 2 restart the band with a Drummer, Bassist, Guitarist & Vocalist.

Thanks to all for there support and know who your are

Screen name:
Member since:
Jul 21 2012
Active within 1 week
Level of commitment:
Years together:
Tend to practice:
1 time per week
45 years


In Flames, Megadeth, Iron Maiden, Nevermore

Members Of Band

Justin Mc Cann - Guitar/vocals