

Bass Guitar, Drums.


Krillian is a 2 piece metalcore/crabcore band based in Preston, Melbpurne searching for a drummer and bassist so we can start playing live. You must have at least 3 years of experience with your instrument and be between 18-22 as me and the guitarist are 19 and 20. Krillian has quite a few original works that we hope to record and release soon it would just be easier to do so with a full band instead of me switching between vox and drums and the guitarist doing guitar and bass. Both me and the guitarist have quite a few years of experience playing live and around 2 years of experience playing live together.
If you wish to contact us hit our Inst4gr4m: Krillian_band

Screen name:
Member since:
Feb 21 2025
Active within 1 week
Level of commitment:
Years together:
Gigs played:
Under 10
Tend to practice:
1 time per week
19 years


Asking Alexandria (2009-2011 era), The Devil Wears Prada (2006-2009 era), Ashes At Last, Attack Attack (Someday Came Suddenly era) Confide, I Set My Friends On Fire, Adept, Drop Dead Gorgeous, Scary Kids Scaring Kids, and A Skylit Drive

Members Of Band

Zak: Clean and screaming vocals (temp drummer)

Peter: Lead Guitarist


Drum Kit w/ bass drum, 3 toms, double bass pedal, crash, ride, hi-hat,
Basic mic system
3 20W guitar amps
Guitar pedal board