

Band to Join, Vocalist, Vocalist - Soprano, Rhythm Guitar, Lead Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Bass Guitar, Other Percussion, Violin, Keyboard, Piano, Background Singer, Other, Mandolin, Trombone, DJ, Electronic Music.


I am a music producer that started out playing drums from early childhood on. I've got 30 years drumming experience. Started @ 12 years old. If maths something of a skill, you'll be able to guess my age! Although most guess my age to be early to mid 30s. I mention this as some bands would appreciate the description of my age to narrow down their preference and to help not waste anyone's time, so, you're welcome!

Along the way I picked up other talents such as singing background vocals in various bands along the way. Since 2014 I became a lead singer recording my first single 'Standing Tall' which was about my near death experience earlier that year seeing me lose my left leg and breaking my back in several places. Worried about not drumming again, I set out to build a recording studio to regain my chops again and prove everyone wrong that said I would never play & sing again! Until now and continuing, I still write/record/release my own music with co-writer/lead guitarist as Pole Electric working on our 5th studio album. With 4 already released, here's links to hear my vocals as I sing all of the songs, as well as my drumming + songwriting as I wrote and co-wrote all of the songs we've done YOUTUBE SPOTIFY:

Screen name:
Member since:
Jun 18 2024
Active within 1 week
Level of commitment:
Very Committed
Years playing music:
Gigs played:
Over 100
Tend to practice:
2-3 times per week
Available to gig:
4-5 nights a week
Most available:


Bon Jovi (I love Tico Torres as a solid hard drummer with taste & paiste)
As a vocalist, I am inspired by Jon Bonjovi's hard working attitude, never quit attitude even during times when his voice farted out. His recent doco really shows the working spirit that is the energy that we know of as 'Bon Jovi'. His statement "if I can't give it 110 percent of 100 percent each night i'm on stage, then it's time to stand down. But, I won't quit until i've tried everything". He then took the biggest risk of trial vocal surgery that was 50/50 in terms of him being able to sing again. He took the plunge and went for it. My respect for Jon has increased 10,000 percent since the band allowed us all a peak behind the backline of Bon jovi. I respect the shit out of that!

Van Halen - The musicality and Alex VH's drumming is/was inspired!
[I never liked Eddie's egotistical antics to be clear. Although when the band was getting along, it was clear that all of the gents were present because they LOVED THEIR PASSION OF MUSIC. Numero uno for success in any endeavor - No tire kickers!

Olivia Rodrigo - New artist that has star presence & heart energy that radiates out like a blast of light. Her producer/co-writer is also someone I look up to as he has achieved things I haven't yet - Such as a Grammy.

Goodbye June - A band with ACDC vigor, modern, catchy songwriters.
These are a few of my influences. I never live in the past. Always evolving as a person and musical artist.

Diesel - I grew up learning drums to Hepfidelity and love his soulful musical performance and guitar tones. He really rocks a telecaster like it's his mrs!

Buckcherry - Good pub rock California band that sound like the Angels!
Josh Todd as a frontman has learnt his craft and shares his journey about how he crafted what he describes is a bad voice into someone that can sing with correct technique. His down to earth nature is admirable. Some Aussie local cover bands have more ego than these dudes! (after a career that saw me meet some of the most iconic artists globally, as well as local artists, I discovered something truly fascinating - the more successful the artist, the more down to earth they were. Some incredibly nice! They give time to anyone that has the passion of music. Aussie artists tend to be egotistical albeit many of them that i've come across being 'very average' and that's a polite statement). My motto is "if the music isn't inspiring & fun to play, and the collaboration isn't friendly & cohesive, then it's not worth a drop of my time, even if the gig is well paid".

After seeing my beloved artists/bands grow over the years along with the recipe for success that drives a succesful musical career, it's no surprise that I only choose to work with talented artistic people that are down to earth, relatable, with people skills, media skills, confident in-front of live audiences with star quality and repore with the audience even if their musical ability is average. It's all about the vibe! Not the fancy solos. That goes for me as a drummer too. And this is my motto: EVERYTHING I PLAY SERVES THE SONG, AND NOTHING LESS".

Even a local cover-band needs to have the above skillets honed and well oiled let alone artists/bands seeking career status with their musical endeavors. I say this as I've worked hard at my craft and hope to meet like minded peeps that can perform at this level and above. I've also auditioned/played for a short time with bands that don't pursue the love of music from the heart and come at it from mind based egotistical reasons, and not surprisingly I walk away from those toxic environments quickly. Insecurity is most often the real cause of 'tribute-showtosis' (a mind based disease that sees a cover band's ego surpass the ego of the band they're covering!!! Whilst earning much less I might add)

Instrument experience:

Background Singer:
Electronic Music:
Other Percussion:


BEHIND THE BACKLINE - DRUMS (permanent setup)
Tama Superstar drumkit (3 toms, 1 floor tom) + mix of Sabian, Paiste & unknown but suitable brands/choices of cymbals in my bag of magic tricks.

VOCALS AND PRODUCING (permanent setup)
(Some of the studio gear)

Avalon 737SP Preamp
U87 style overhead mics
Rode NT5 pencil mic pair (hihat + ride mic)
Sm57 x6 (for the toms + snare top/bottom)
Shure Beta 52A (for kickdrum)
bla bla bla bla bla (lots of equipment)

Fully soundproofed recording + separate control room & remote amp room.
[The above equipment does not leave the studio].

I have a second Tama Rockstar drumkit 4 piece that I use for live gigs. My studio kit is permanently setup along with all of my other studio related equipment.

I say this to avoid misunderstandings incase someone thinks "bonus, we can use his mics with our pa"!

Nah! If a band can't afford mics and/or live sound hire for the gigs n rehearsals, then, probably best to ask someone greener & eager to learn.