Band to Join, Vocalist, Rhythm Guitar, Lead Guitar, Drums, Keyboard, Background Singer.ABOUT
- Screen name:
- nick27022
- Member since:
- Feb 16 2017
- Active within 1 month
- Level of commitment:
- Committed
- Years playing music:
- 15
- Gigs played:
- 10 to 50
- Tend to practice:
- 1 time per week
Karnivool, Northlane, Silverstein, Blink 182, Angels & Airwaves, Bring Me the Horizon, Porcupine Tree, Wage War, Emmure, Diamond Construct, Loathe, Deftones
Instrument experience:
- Rhythm Guitar:
- Advanced
- Lead Guitar:
- Advanced
- Acoustic Guitar:
- Advanced
- Bass Guitar:
- Advanced
- Drums:
- Moderate
- Keyboard:
- Moderate
- Background Singer:
- Moderate
Guitar Amp:
Peavey 6505+ 120W
Bad Cat 4x10 Cab
Pedalboard: Boss DD-20 Delay, Boss Harmonist, EHX Black finger compressor, chorus, Tube screamer, Wah
PRS & Ibanez Guitars - Drop A#
Harley Benton 30" Baritone Guitar - Double Drop C#
5 String Ltd Tuned to Drop A
Darkglass X7 Microtubes
EHX Black Finger Compressor
No amp or cab
Recording Gear:
2011 Macbook Pro
Logic Pro 9
Avid Mbox Audio Interface
Sink Or Swim
Sink Or Swim
Electric River
Electric River
Welcome To Hell Realm
Welcome To Hell Realm
The Cost Is High
The Cost Is High
Sky Rider (Video)
Sky Rider (Video)_Wgygwin3X8