Paul Louis Villani


Guitarist, Singer, Songwriter.

Screen name:
Paul Louis Villani
Member since:
Mar 30 2013
Active within 24 hours
Level of commitment:
Very Committed
Years playing music:
Gigs played:
Over 100
Tend to practice:
More than 3 times per week


Why did you start to do music?
My childhood was filled with music. My parents immigrated to Australia with their parents and were teenagers during sixties. They married young and I came along quickly. The house was filled with music of many genres; Rock, Psychedelia, Pop, Country and many Italian tunes.
We lived in a block of flats in a northern Melbourne suburb and there were a few other young couples living there who blasted music constantly, even as a toddler I used to sneak out and hang where the music was playing, it made my parents crazy but it just felt right.
My parents enrolled me into the Johnny Young Talent School at the age of 4 and I stayed there until I was six. I loved the singing but hated the dancing! Even then I knew, as a fat kid (no matter how good you are) you are always going to look like a baby hippo in a tutu when you are dancing. So, my dancefloor days died a swift death there and then!
The only thing that truly made sense to me was the increasing accessibility of music videos on television. Even though they were very primitive compared to now, music videos form the early seventies are burned into my brain and hold high sentimental value.
Through these videos, I discovered certain individuals and groups that would shape my life forever, mainly Jimi Hendrix and Ace Frehley.
Mum and Dad were begged to send me for guitar lessons in 1977.
They yielded under the condition that I learn classical guitar and theory and sat for a minimum of four Australian Guild of Music exams. If I achieved that my terms were an electric guitar and amp… and a distortion pedal! I was 11 when I fulfilled their expectations and they obliged mine. Thus, began the end of peace and quiet as they knew it!
Why do you continue to do music?
I love the feel of being in a band and playing music usually at full throttle.
I love that unique sensation of unity within a band when the music grooves and flows like ocean waves, almost effortless but so powerful.
I love composing, writing, creating, practicing, rehearsing, playing live for 10 people and/or playing live for one thousand people!
Why do you pursue group (band) activities and not focus on solo pursuits?
I have an extensive solo catalogue and am at peace being on stage whether it be on my own or in a band but… nothing feels better than playing music with three or four other like minded people.
Have you had another career that wasn’t in the music industry?
Unfortunately, yes! Like most humans I have bills to pay and mouths to feed so having a career that pays a regular income is necessary so that people that I care about don’t suffer whilst I pursue my dreams.
Have you ever thought about having another kind of career?
I pursued life for a while as a photographer but found it difficult to work within non-creative parameters (Weddings, Baptisms, Fashion etc.). Photography is still a passion but unless I’m shooting a personally developed theme or subject for exhibition then my camera just collects dust.
What influences your music?
Life. The world I’m privileged to be a part of is what inspires me. The good and the bad, it seems that you cannot have one without the other.
People. The ones I allow to get to know me deeply, they definitely influence me to create music.
Who are your musical influences?
There isn’t enough space on this page for me to list all my influences but I’ll try to keep it to those who have had a massive influence on my psyche and music.
It all started with The Beatles.
As a very young child I heard this amazing music coming out of a neighbor’s apartment and went to investigate. The young couple played Beatles albums for hours and hours and I would sit on their floor and listen to them sing along. Mum and Dad played The Beatles at home but it was music from their early years. Our neighbors mainly played everything post Sgt. Peppers. It still is some of the best music and songwriting one could ever want to hear.
Jimi Hendrix. He (along with a fellow I’m about to mention) are the main reasons I ever picked up a guitar. That sound… those notes… that feel… that vocal drooool… Mitch Mitchel on drums… Chas Chandler on Bass… I was intoxicated and there was never any looking back!
Ace Frehley. Yes, I know he was a member of the band KISS but all I ever wanted to be was… Ace! KISS was a huge part of my preteen life. I was about 6 or 7 when I got my first album of theirs and then owned every one ever produced… until Ace left and then I boycotted them… because I loved Ace!
Led Zeppelin (Jimmy Page). Perhaps there is no other bands music that I have sat and played along to more than they. From the moment I heard the guitar intros of songs like; “The Immigrant Song”, Whole Lotta Love”, “Ramble On”, “Achilles Last Stand”, “The Rain Song” and “Over the Hills and Far Away” all I wanted to do was play them over and over and over again.
Yngwie Malmsteen. I was 13 when my dad bought me a copy of the then current issue of “Guitar Player” magazine. Inserted was a black “floppy” vinyl 7 inch single of Yngwie Malmsteen’s “Black Star” along with tablature for those that way inclined. I got home, put it on the turntable, put the headphones on and was not the same person I was previous to putting those headphones on! I’d never heard guitar playing like that. I fell deeply in love with those arpeggios and staccato’s and all those fiddly widdly things that he does so well!
Prince. What a genius. From early listening to “Controversy” and the double album set of “1999” I was possessed by this person’s musical expression and presence. Then “Purple Rain” happened and I was mesmerized by every single track of that album. I played that album that much I actually wore out a couple of styluses on my turntable! Speak to some and they’ll say he was never the same after “Purple Rain” and you know what, they are right. He actually got better and better!
Guns ‘N’ Roses. I remember vividly watching a late-night music video show in ’86 and the promo came up to stand by for a track called “Welcome to The Jungle” … after watching that clip it was as if the world suddenly made sense to me in the space of four minutes! The “Gunners” ntly became my church and Slash was and still is my guitar God!
Slayer. I don’t know how I got to listen to “Reign in Blood” the first time but it had a profound effect on my soul. The opening of “Angel of Death” along with Tom Araya’s blood curdling scream had me so paralyzed in awe that I clearly remember listening to that album 5 more times in a row without taking a break. “South of Heaven” and “Seasons in the Abyss” hold special places in my heart.
Metallica. Inspired me greatly as a songwriter. I loved their songs, some are ten minutes long, they are like epic conversations. Their instrumentals captured my attention and still amaze me to this day. Cliff was amazing and I watched live videos of him repeatedly.
Pearl Jam. So much love and respect for this band. I remember hearing “Alive” on my car radio and knowing this was something special. One of those bands that I’ve spent countless hours playing along to and learning every phrase and structure. Lyrically mind blowing, Vedder is living proof that “the pen is mightier than the sword!”
Jeff Buckley and Tim Buckley. I unfortunately discovered Jeff’s music after he had left this world. Yet the impact he has had on my psyche and song writing is immense. Maybe, I was at a certain stage in life when something comes around and has that massive impact that almost gives light when all you see is darkness? That’s what Jeff Buckley is to me… light. Through Jeff I had the pleasure of discovering his father’s (Tim) music and what a joyful journey that turned out to be. Jazzy, soulful, folky and complex yet totally brilliant. So inspiring and what beautiful voices they both had.
Steve Vai. Ok, so let’s pull out every possible adjective to describe what an amazing musician and guitarist Steve Vai really is. I first heard his work with Alcatraz and was drawn in, got to see him play live in the David Lee Roth Band in ’87 and was enthralled then went on to own nearly all of his albums and all I feel is absolute love. Those “Jems” he endorses aren’t half bad either!
Those mentioned above obviously occupy the majority of territory of my musical heart but others along the way have played their roles in providing inspiration in many more ways… Adam and The Ants, Faith No More, The Rolling Stones, The Who, Black Sabbath, Queen, The Cult, Salvador Dali, The Doors, Wolfmother, Anthrax, Megadeth, Soundgarden, Ghost, David Bowie, System of a Down, Living Colour, U2, Pink Floyd, Midnight Oil, The Smashing Pumpkins, Hole, Mr. Bungle, Wings, Bruce Springsteen, Frankie Goes to Hollywood, Sepultura, Powderfinger, Rage Against the Machine, Radiohead, Cold Chisel, Primus, Symphony X, The Ramones, Disposable Heroes of Hypocrisy, Robert Plant (Solo), Public Enemy, Alanis Morissette, Whitesnake, Alex Lloyd, Nirvana, Van Halen, The Darkness, Audioslave, Bob Dylan, Janes Addiction, David Lee Roth, The White Stripes, Cat Stevens, Frank Zappa, Placebo, Skid Row, ELO, Arctic Monkeys, Jinjer, Cheap Trick, Tori Amos, John Lennon, Dire Straits, Garbage, Buckethead, Motley Crue, Blondie, Velvet Revolver, Kate Bush, Live, Skyhooks, Iron Maiden, Korn, Rainbow, Die Antwoord and Vincent Pulo.

When did you start playing music professionally?
First got paid for a pub gig as a 15-year-old, played classical guitar as background music to diners every weekend on a local bay cruiser as a 16-year-old, left school at 17 and played in bands full time.
Do you write your own music?
Always have and hopefully always will.
What is your favorite quote?
“He who sits and waits… rots”
What kind of music do you listen to?
Most music I listen to is guitar orientated. There are a couple of exceptions and they are usually very unique.

Instrument experience:

Rhythm Guitar:
Lead Guitar:


2x Basses
2x Electric Guitars
2x Acoustics
2x Amp Combo's