Looking to join a band


Vocalist, Lead Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Bass Guitar, Drums.


Hi Everyone,

I have been recording and performing in bands for the past 16 years. I am looking to meet new people and jam/ get a new Acoustic project off the ground. Im after reliable musicians with their own gear and transport to commit to band pracs and eventually shows around Sydney.I have marketing and gig opportunities only a phone call away. I have uploaded a few different tracks ive done over the last few years to show a mix of different genres im into..I love playing acoustic covers too so any guys/gals who wanna jam just let me know.

Add me on foythegram if you dont have memebership.

Screen name:
Add me foythegram on
Member since:
Oct 16 2016
Active within 1 month
Level of commitment:
Years together:
Gigs played:
50 to 100
Tend to practice:
1 time per week
35 years

Members Of Band

Andrew Foy - Guitar, Clean vocals, Screaming


message me and we can chat.