Band to Join, Accordion, Acoustic Guitar, Background Singer, Bagpipes, Banjo, Bass Guitar, Cello, Clarinet, Didgeridoo, DJ, Dobro, Drums, Electronic Music, Fiddle, Flute, Harmonica, Harp, Keyboard, Lead Guitar, Mandolin, Other, Other Percussion, Piano, Rhythm Guitar, Saxophone, Steel guitar, Trombone, Trumpet, Ukulele, Upright bass, Violin, Vocalist, Vocalist - Alto, Vocalist - Baritone, Vocalist - Bass, Vocalist - Soprano, Vocalist - Tenor.ABOUT
4 years training. Crooner style performer. Can Scat. Good stage presence. Haven’t performed for 5 years.I’ve Taken the last year to get in shape. And brush up on my vocals with Teacher. My repertoire is mostly jazz around 50 songs. But I’m a quick study and have about 35 songs from hall and oats to current. I do a brilliant Timberlake but can’t rap.
- Screen name:
- simon79963
- Member since:
- Feb 28 2022
- Active over 1 month ago
- Level of commitment:
- Very Committed
- Years playing music:
- 10
- Gigs played:
- 10 to 50
- Tend to practice:
- 2-3 times per week
- Available to gig:
- 6-7 nights a week
Sinatra. Torme. Franks. Jobim. Bennet. Also like 80s 90s current.
My range is huge so ideally looking to mix it up. Would really like having a few different styles to cater to different audiences.
Instrument experience:
- Vocalist:
- Advanced
- Background Singer:
- Advanced
Own mike lead. EV Bins mixer.