

Rhythm Guitar, Lead Guitar.


Looking for a guitarist to join an originals Perth band Samphire which has existing singer, drummer and bassist. Welcome to contribute your own material if you have any.

Contact us at tysun.chan

Screen name:
Member since:
Nov 24 2023
Active within 1 month
Level of commitment:
Moderately Committed
Years together:
Tend to practice:
1 time per week
46 years


Diverse styles, alt rock, funk, ska, psychedelic/stoner and more. 10 track album released, listen to it here:

Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/samphire-7155871

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/2BtDidSxQz8yE2s9tiCQT6?si=PKie62WUTU-rwtZ-NvwsBA

Your own original works welcomed too, as well as your own reinterpretations of existing guitar parts. Aiming to gig and record.

Band members between 35 and 55 yrs old. Looking for a guitarist based north of the river or inner suburbs of Perth.

We are full time professionals and family men who can dedicate some time every 2-3 weeks to move forward and are committed to make things happen. Importantly we’re after reliable professional behavior in a guitarist.

Members Of Band

Tysun (bass), Leon (drums), Koichi (vocals)


Ample mics, leads, amps, drums, keyboard, bass, mixer for what we need to do